the wedding of Denise and Ellion Oct 2015


bride and groom

bride and groom


the hertfordshire golf club

the hertfordshire golf club

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bride and groom

bride and groom


I love the light and foliage you get in Autumnal weddings

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baby photo

Home Baby Sessions


Barnaby-0557 Barnaby0561Baby sessions in your own home are a convenient and stress free way of having beautiful photographs without disrupting yours or baby’s routine.
No need to make a journey to a studio, no worry whether baby will be relaxed in a strange environment.
I come to you with background and lighting. I need minimal space and can set up within 5-10 minutes. The session usually takes 30 minutes or less. I obtain a good selection of portraits of your baby including close up and full length and a range of different expressions. Perhaps include yourself in some of the portraits. After the session I can arrange to return to show you the images or if preferred a secure online gallery can be made for you to view and select your portraits. Barnaby enjoyed his morning photo session last month.
Call me to have a chat or arrange a convenient time for a home portrait session.

Susan & Peters Wedding 7 sept

susanPeter-0502bwsusanPeter-0418susanPeter-0312blrFantastic weather , fantastic venue and fantastic couple, Susan and Peters wedding at Hall Place, Bexley. started at their house in Dartford while Susan calmly got ready for the day ahead.

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The ceremony took place in the great hall accompanied by a harp player adding to the atmosphere of this wonderful venue. Afterwards  i took all the family groups and friends groups outside in the extensive gardens. We were blessed with superb weather and Susan and Peter took me to their favourite places in the grounds where I took some bridal portraits of the couple.susanPeter-0463 susanPeter-0485susanPeter-0529susanPeter-0561bwsusanPeter-0572susanPeter-0587blr

On to the banqueting suite where after the reception and meal suitably fed, the tables were cleared and an evening of dancing ensued.susanPeter-0737 susanPeter-0759 susanPeter-0773 susanPeter-0826 susanPeter-0850

Susan and Peter are both keen Ceroc dancers along with many of their friends, treated us to a fantastic display of dancing.

A great day im sure everyone there will remember for many years

New Direction and change of contact details

Towards the end of last year the lease on our studio on our studio premises in Whetstone came to an end. Big decision to be made. in the words of the Clash  “do I stay or do I go”.. Although the studio portrait business was fairly stable, in increase in rent plus a huge increase in business rates meant serious consideration had to be made whether to commit to another 5 year lease. Over the years we have built up our schools photography business and our events and wedding business so we are not studio dependant . So after nearly 19 years in Whetstone we finally locked the doors on 30 January.

we are looking forward to our events and weddings this year and many schools. Any clients who havnt yet collected their work please call me to arrange collection, meanwhile it is all safely here.

I am concentrating on our wedding and event photography business as well as our school photography. I am also trying our home visit and location photography venture. Babies and young children photographed in their home environment. Please call if you are interested in booking a home session at a very special offer.

We still have our large format printing eqpt and can still offer to print large pictures, posters off your own images at very reasonable prices. 


Two Great Guitar Players

DSC_0238       Some photographs of two great guitar players who i had the pleasure to photograph in my studio a couple of weeks ago, Andy and John, very skilful players with a fun sense of humour.




